The Fastest Men of the Century in the 100 meters of the Olympic Games! | ...
Intro In the realm of human physicality, there exists a rare breed of athletes who defy the boundaries of mortal speed. The ...“Dream Team” and the disintegration of Soviet Union in 1992 Olympic Games!
Prologue! 1992. These are the years of the collapse of the communist front! The war of the Balkan countries. Isolation of BS ...The dirtiest race in the history! | 1988 Seoul, Lewis vs Johnson!
1988, Seoul The dirtiest race in the history! Ben Johnson was born in Falmouth, Jamaica, on December 30, 1961. Small and shy, ...Football in the Olympics | Part 1 (1908 – 1928)!
OLYMPICS: 1908, FIRST EDITION, OFFICIAL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT EVEN RECOGNIZED BY FIFA IN ITS DIARY! Football in the Olympics is a contrasting love ...Football in the Olympics | Part 2 (1936-1948)!
Part 2 (1936-1948)! Italy winning the only Olympic title. Annibale Frossi, the player with glasses, the best scorer of the tournament. In ...Basketball in Olympics | 1972! Longest three seconds of the challenge U.S.S.R vs ...
Longest 3 seconds in the Sports. It`s the most controversial basketball game in Olympic history. One of the greatest controversies in the ...A brief history of the Olympic Games!
The Olympic Games are those sports games that vividly experience all the drama, strong emotions, excitement and atmosphere of each season, once ...(HISTORY IN PHOTOS) FIRST OLYMPIC GAMES | 1896 ATHENS!
The first Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896 from April 6 to 15. 14 countries participated and the number of ...Football in the Olympics | Anverse 1920 – A final never finished!
Sports Vision in the Column: “Events from the Football fields. History of champions with no similarities to each other”. It’s the Olympic ...