18 years old Felice Levrato, the football player with heavy shots!


1924 – Paris

The winner of the gold medals will be Uruguay, even with this victory the parliament will declare a national holiday!!!

This is how you start entering the South American football scene. But one of the most attractive elements of the tournament is the Italian Felice Levrato , the left-wing player of the “Vado” team, known for his “devastating” extremely heavy shots, even famous for breaking through the nets several times. more than once. Levrato debuts with the “Azzurra” shirts called by the famous Vittorio Pozzo.

He is 18 years old doing military service (he is even given the right permit for this event, which was denied to other athletes in the past). He has no experience and is a bit provincial, when he arrives in Paris he “gets scared” and his fear materializes in front of the “Eiffel” tower, which he refuses to climb.

Levrato does not score in this tournament, but confirms his fame from the “killer” shots.
It is the match valid for the 8th of the finals against Luxenburg (2-0) when he “hit” the goalkeeper Bausch with a bomb from one of his extremely strong left shots, provoking an internal cut of his tongue. .

This is how his Italian coach Pozzo describes it word for word in his personal diary of memories:

“…the ball passed from Baloncieri to Levrato, in which he found the latter only in front of the Luxembourg`s goalkeeper. Liguri (Levrato) released a “shot” as if he wanted to tear everything there. Effectively, he hit the desolate goalkeeper on the chin, who performed a somersault in the air and then fell to the ground in the classic manner of a boxer knocked out of the fight. Everyone gathered around him, who was slowly coming to his senses, while a “line” of blood was coming out of his mouth. The desperate Levrato kneels over the wounded man and repeats time and time again in the Genoese dialect: “U l`ho mato`” (Oh,  I killed him).

The simple shot caught the goalkeeper with his tongue between his teeth, and cut him off. Later, well-treated, the man named Bausch, quite obviously of courage, was restored to his place between the pillars. And before five minutes pass, in an incredible way, the case repeats completely as before. Levrato has escaped the marking and reappears in front of Bausch, ready (per un` altra mazzata) for another violent shot. The goalkeeper with intuition and taking into account the previous situation, before Levrato launched the shot, jumps to the ground with a leap like a cat, outside his gate, covering his face with his hands: “Everything is fine, but I dont` want to lose my life, no, no it’s worth it” – it seems as if Bausch thought with that action.

And this scene was in such a comical way that the boy Levrato rolled on the ground from the big laugh, and with an empty portent the goal that would have been 3-0 was not scored…..

In reality, Levrato wants even to avoid humiliating the goalkeeper, so he doesn’t shoot and the audience, convinced of this, applauds.

By Pjerin Bj – March 2013


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